A florist is a professional who creates bouquets and other types of flower arrangements for gift giving and special occasions. Their pay is based on a number of factors.As of 2009, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job prospects for florists will be good through 2016 because of the need to replace older professionals in the field who are slated for retirement.
Work Experience
- Florists with less than five years of experience averaged annual salaries of between $24,502 and $29,504 in October 2009, according to payscale.com. Florists with at least 20 years of experience had average maximum salaries of $49,132.
Employer Type
- Self-employed florists earn between $15,203 and $41,000, while those working for incorporated companies average between $22,184 and $45,000, as of 2009.
- In May 2008, floral shops were the largest employers of florists, and workers at those companies averaged annual salaries of $24,080, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- The state with the highest concentration of florists in May 2008 was Idaho, where florists averaged annual salaries of $19,630, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest-paying area for florists was the District of Columbia, where workers earned an average of $32,700.
- Florists also receive benefits that contribute to their overall compensation, including an average of between 24 and 36 hours of paid vacation per year, paid holidays, casual dress and flexible scheduling.
Read more: What Kind of Salary Does a Florist Make? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5562834_kind-salary-florist-make.html#ixzz1geIIS2Gp